Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer

IN 1978 I wrote this to the “Irish Times ” – WHY ?

Frank Corcoran ,

IRISH COMPOSER TRUST 1978 Monkstown 1978

To the IRISH TIMES . 1.5.1978.


I didn’t sleep a wink last night after reading that Charles Acton , your revered music-critic, found his copy of my LP ” COLLECTION ONE ” was ” so badly warped that the start

of each side is hard to judge … ” ….

Meanwhile I have done it.

My new LP ” COLLECTION ONE ” is the first ever launching of his own work in this form by an Irish composer.

It is a milestone in Irish music.

I believe passionately in the record’s label, ” Self Help” .

The music of Irish composers must be played, replayed, discussed and judged….

Yes, it is sad that some umbrella organisation has not taken on re-distribution.

But in the meantime I will go it alone. …

Frank Corcoran

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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