Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


CORCORAN, Frank Mad Sweeney first US performance

CORELLI, Arcangelo Concerto Grosso in G minor, Op. 6, No. 8
CORNELL, Richard Thrushfield WP, Tracer WP, Umai’s Journey WP
COREA, Chick Isfahan
COWELL, Henry Ostinato Pianissimo, Quartet Romantic
CROCKETT, Donald The Cinnamon Peeler
CRUMB, George Ancient Voices of Children, An Idyll for the Misbegotten, 11 Echoes of Autumn, Night of the 4 Moons, Songs, Drones & Refrains of Death
DALLAPICCOLA, Luigi Cinque frammenti di Saffo, Due liriche di Anacreonte, Goethe Lieder, Piccola musica notturna, Sex carmina alcaei
DAUGHERTY, Michael Dead Elvis WP (& 1st Italian perf.), Flamingo (1st UK perf.), Lex, Little Firecracker, Lounge Lizards, Sinatra Shag WP, These Boots . . WP
DAVIDOVSKY, Mario Biblical Songs, Quartetto, Sefarad WP, Synchronisms No. 2
DEAN, Brett
Sextet (first Boston perf.)
DEBUSSY/SMITH, Hale Pagodes & Soiree dans Grenade WP
DENISOV, Edison La vie en rouge
DONATONI, Franco Arpege, Holly WP, Hot, Spiri
DRUCKMAN, Jacob Animus IV (1st UK perf.), Come Round
DURKO, Zsolt Fire Music (1st US perf)
DUSAPIN, Pascal Comoedia (1st US perf.)
EARLS, Paul Augenmusik WP, Eliotime WP
EDWARDS, George Kreuz und Quer WP
EISLER, Hanns Chamber Symphony, Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu beschreiben, Septett No. 2
ELLINGTON, Duke Body and Soul, Choo-Choo, Creole Love Call, Demi-Tasse, East St. Louis Toodle-loo, Fugue-a-Ditty, Jam-a-Ditty, A Lull at Dawn, Mood Indigo, On a Turquoise Cloud, Rockin’ in Rhythm, Self Portrait (of the Bean),Tiger Rag
ELMQUIST, John Junk Shot
ERB, Donald The Devil’s Quickstep
ETLER, Alvin Cello Concerto, Sextet
FALLA, Manuel de El corregidor y la molinera
FELCIANO, Richard Shadows WP
FELDMAN, Morton For Frank O’Hara, The Viola in my Life II
Serenade for Six
FINE, Irving Notturno for Strings and Harp (1st UK perf.)
FOSS, Lukas Embros, Tashi, Time Cycle
Chromance WP
FRANCAIX, Jean L’Horloge de flore
FÜSSL, Karl Heinz Miorita (1st US perf.)
GABRIELI, Giovanni Canzon septimi toni No. 1, Canzona noni toni, Canzone per sonare 2 & 4, Sonata pian’ e forte
GANDOLFI, Michael Budget Cuts WP, Grooved Surfaces WP, The Pied Piper of Hamelin WP, Pinocchio’s Adventures in Funland
GARFEIN, Herschel Striptease
GAULDIN, Robert Collage WP
GEMINIANI, Francesco Concerto grosso in E minor, Op. 3, No. 3
GENTILE, Ada In un silenzio Ordinato (1st US perf.)
GERHARD, Roberto Libra
GERSHWIN, George Lullaby for Strings
GERSHWIN/BRODY Nice Work if You Can Get It WP
GERSHWIN/CHILD Phase-inatin’ Rhythm WP
GERSHWIN/HOFFER Fantasia on They Can’t Take That Away From Me WP
GILBERT, David Petit concert WP, Shade Pulsations WP, 4 Songs of Wind WP
GLANERT, Detlev Geheimer Raum
GLASS/MORAN Juniper Tree Variations WP
GREENE, Patrick The Tortoise and the Hare WP, Machine Language for Beginners WP
GRIFFES, Charles Poem for Flute & Orchestra
GROSSKOPF, Erhard Triodie II (1st US perf.)
GRUBER, H.K. Cello Concerto WP, Frankenstein!!, Three MOB Pieces (1st US perf.)
GRUENBERG, Louis The Creation, A Negro Sermon
HANDEL, G.F. Concerti grossi 1-12, Op. 6
HANDY, W.C./WHITEMAN Aunt Hagar’s Blues
HARBISON, John Exequien for Calvin Simmons WP, Mirabai Songs, 6 Dumbshows WP, The Seven Ages
HARRIS, Donald Five Tempi (Ludus III) WP, For the Night to Wear WP, Ludus I, Ludus II WP (& 1st European perf.)
HARRISON, Lou Praise for the Beauty of Hummingbirds
HEISS, John Songs of Nature WP
HERMAN, Richard Stehen Crane Cycle
HINDEMITH, Paul Der Dämon, Die junge Magd, Kammermusiken 1,2,4; Septet for Winds
HINES, Earl Grand Terrace Shuffle
HEPPENER, Robert Derivazioni (1st UK perf.)
HOELLER, York Ex tempore
HOFFER, Bernard A Boston Cinderella WP, Capriccio: Settembre Musica WP, Ma Goose WP, The Nine Circles WP, The Three Little Pigs WP, Concerto da Camera II WP, Lear in theWilderness WP, Paul Revere’s Ride WP
HOLLIGER, Heinz Erde und Himmel (1st US perf.), Glühende Rätsel (1st US perf.)
HOLST, Gustav Brook Green Suite, St. Paul’s Suite
HUBER, Klaus Ascensus (1st US perf.), Auf die ruhige Nacht-Zeit (1st US perf.)
HUGGLER, John Bittere Nüsse WP, Capriccio sregolato WP, Music for 13 Instruments WP, Serenata WP
HUGHES, Curtis Verbiage WP
HURST, Derek Pas de trois WP
HYLA, Lee Amnesia Variance WP, Lives of the Saints WP, Polish Folksongs WP
INCE, Kamran Hammer Music WP
IVES, Charles At Sea, Calcium Light Night, Central Park in the Dark, Incantation, Like a Sick Eagle, Luck & Work, The Rainbow, Scherzo (All the Way Around and Back), Scherzo (Over the Pavements), The See’r, A Set of Pieces for Theatre Orchestra, Sets 1 & 3, Tone Roads 1 & 3 (1st Russian perf.), The Unanswered Question
IVES/PITTMAN, Richard 5 Street Songs WP
KNUSSEN, Oliver Rosenkranzlieder (1st US perf.)
KRAFT, William Concerto for Percussion & Chamber Ensemble WP, Gallery 4-5, Settings from Pierrot Lunaire WP


Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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