7th November 2009 – Andreas Skouras in Exchange Concerts
German pianist Andreas Skouras will play two concerts in Ireland on 7th and 8th of November. The first is in the Barry Room at the National Concert Hall, Dublin on the 7th of November. The second is at Dublin City Gallery, Hugh Lane on the 8th at 12 noon. He is showcasing new German music, plus some music by Irish composers. There will be a return visit by an Irish-based pianist in 2010, showcasing Irish piano composition. Further details yet to be announced, on this site. The programme is as follows:
Program I, November 7th. Barry Room, National Concert Hall
Fredrik Schwenk Sonatine 2 (2001)
Frank Corcoran Nine Pratoleva Pearls (World premiere) (2008)
” Quasi Rondo e Scherzo, & Sweeneys Total Rondo (2002)
Hans Jürgen von Bose Labyrinth II (1987)
Ian Wilson Verschwindend (2001)
Michael Bastian Weiß Fragmenta Missarum pro Defunctis op. 7 (2000)
Volker Nickel Piano Puzzle Pieces IV (World premiere) (2009)