It nearly finished me off , too, my finishing of the new Piccolo Quartetto Filarmonico for doublebass, cello, viola and violin. Apart from wanting to keep it light and fluffy , contrasting high and low, balancing the higher strings against mighty bass or cello or both, there was the awesome problem of form. I settled for a kind of rosary-beads with the chain of little sections, barred or non synchronized, grave metric music versus my ” spatters” ( passages where each instrument plays its part as fast as possible – this brings striving forward, music with a goal , also breathlessness ) for non synchronized four or three or even two instruments. Yes, philharmonic with high flageolettes, flight and arc and “I caught this morning morning’s minion” music. All in one multi-chaptered movement. I solved this form, its trajectory. Only eight minutes. Packed.
The dawn is up. A good, mysterious day.