Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


2014 brought a goodly harvest with the new MY ALTO RHAPSODIES  ( Contralto and Orchestra ) ,  a lively flurry of choral works, the THREE PIECES FOR VIOLIN AND PIANO, my autumn  3 PIXELS FOR OBOE QUARTET, other and others          . 2015 will bring 2 important Corcoran premieres  1.  February 15  in New York   QUASI UNA STORIA for String Orchestra ( North South , dir. Max Lifchitz )  and  then          2.  March 13 in Dublin ,  CELLO CONCERTO  ( N.S.O. / Kenneth Montgomery and mighty soloist Martin Johnson  ).

Hard, honest work . How compose extended forms ( – it’s hard enough to writhe one minute of music ; to lick together five minutes is an eternity ) . Hard, too, to separate the work of creation from that of dissemination. Best not even try ? Vital not to lose the way for the dormant musical imagination, to be ready to pounce on an idea, any motiv, a formal concept, an instrumental combination or mass of colours, densities, knorls and knots, a dramatic idea. May the New Year crackle, burst birthing. Bring courage. Dare keep going in a world of cosmic indifference and against the tide of sonic rubbish. Dirty.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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