Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Certainly cold. Certainly passionate as the dawn. New work. Stern stuff, the lonely activity at the forge. Forge instrumental line, fuse these lines together; expression is and is thus formed . Glue and stick . Paint the howl, the ecstasy, the surge and the passing and passage of self-reflexivity and time as me and my pixels, tones and God bless.  Cold certainly. More to come.Batten down, this winter , settle in, your kettle singing on the hob in a more complex world with James P. Graham’s strangely mysterious film, ” Losing Sea Henge” and with Frank Corcoran’s strange soundscape to ease that fine-grained film’s passage into that carpet of that woven time, film thus also reaching towards music’s natural flow, sluice, ebb; be dense and be thin and be milky and wavy and mazy and as amazing as the dawn.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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