Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


What is history ? What is Papal history ?  e.g.  does a stop-the-traffic-and-ALL-other-visitors to these Viterbo Bagni ( Terme dei Papi  Papal visit of a Culo Papale in eg. Dante´s time or even today ( yes, it still happens )  constitute history ?

History of the particular Culo Papale ? Of its Pope? Of his entourage ? Of his times and pomps and fears ?  Of theirs ? Whose Cosmic Indifference ( I intend these capitals )  can help our historian here ? Sulphur , noble and healing friend of all our culi, of our scabies and our soul´s gout and skin´s rabies and scurvy worse , was misused, apparently,  by John Milton and Co.  ( the Jahwist ? From which King James´s ” brimstone “, then ? ) to hot up our hots and to lave our sodomies and our Papal differences and superbic self-lacerations  for all of, ahem, recorded time ; I pondered as I raised my own humble(d) culo out of  these hot and healing and laving  waters of our Thermal Culo Bath.

Maybe it now helps me to compose my newest  ALTO RHAPSODY, that chalumeau – Brahmsian , superb and flowing line, my ( Brahmsian ) orchestral chording and voice-accompanying , a melting Satz. Singing the High Song. Ecstasy pure.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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