Obscure longings, a good start, yes. But never enough. Start with the real, physical possibilities of the instrument, voice, ensemble. Then comes the tricky bit, the A and B and the C chosen. Only then does form raise its obscure head – how long the work, how thin or expanding or mourning or rumbling the sludge in the basses and tuba, how ascend ? Come down? “Hesitant” versus “direct” is still a very good formula; also its inverse… So
then how´ll we come to the end ? ( How did we begin? – Why ? )
Not once does “For whom ? ” come into this, my story, at least. Later categories later – eg. will it be dramatic ? Eough? A narrative of what ? Unfold / develop / the hallowed rosary-beads
form etc.
Now I am in big, hot trouble, this sun roaring.
Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings