Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Apparently there´s ” nothing up there “. Our dirty – melon, fourth quarter moon ( last October Harvest 2012 ) appeared to me at my peperino stone table – mostly magical , those nights – indifferent. That same moon was insisting.There´s definitely NOBODY up there who´ll wipe my tears, my freshly inked tones, who´ll weep for all my ´O Corcoráins and Ní Cathasaighs, my legion of dead shrouds, unloved, unwept, un bemoaned.
Apparently. That cosmos is VERY indifferent. ( – no e-mails back from We Know Who ! ) – and yet, what would She , how should She ? ” I´ll now and here take into My Infinite Goddess´s Lap all your woes, whimpers, whinges. That and the ” why you were born” question , I´ll not give you a goddess´s short change but a Cosmic Great Hug. ” ” Indifferent my moon, cosmos, night-sky. Sappho dead, too.

Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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