Frank Corcoran

Irish Composer


Furious ! Jealous ! / Small-minded bitch Athena ! / Alas! Just
like she…
Across the washed mole / All storm-tossed waves slosh, gurgle /
Sloppy, slap, breaking

3. Aphrodite´s thighs / Cream in this white, hot light / I love
you, us, me.

4. Who dared shower her ? / That goddess´s salty arse / Breasts,
cleft, everything ?

5. Our great Stagyrite / He forgot women and slaves / Were ,
ahem, Greeks too !

6. Lightening won´t return / Black thunder now racks and rolls /
Fear Of Jove is born

7. Well, my Greece or Rome ? / I choose brawn , brain, thought or
sword? / Sudden lightening kills.

8. A tourist languid / I´ll sneak through this wet Sunday / ”
The examined life” ….

9. Clouded midday sun / I need no hat for swimming / ” It´s
now or never ” !

10. By Jove , what thunder! / For lunch at my hotel : rain / (
Did we pay drachmas ? )

11. Sad music, merry / Now savour the mousaka / At our steamy sea.

12. One sleek lightening fork / Licks the sea´s grey horizon /
Why Saloniki ?

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Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings

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