Jostle quickly the choral tones, an interval, that odd sigh in octaves for my sopranoes and altos; that splayed bass – cluster :… I look again at my 1976 choral HERR JESU CHRIST for, i- t was then thus, – S A T B – Paul Fleming; a good German Baroque doctor and dichter … But he
put de fear of God in me that year ( from their Thirty Years War ), my be-poxed equilibrium.
Is itnow so far from that ( the RTE SINGERS with wonderful Dr. Hans Waldemar brought my
Corcoran´s Death- WOLP to that epoch-breaking I.S.C.M. 1979 , also my 1982. )
that my newest ( I won that ) First Prize Outright of the 2013 International Federation For Choral Music , my “stunning ” EIGHT HAIKUS” ?
– Fear of my death ? My dying this e-mailing night ? Of salvation ( but from what ? ) ?
C´mon ?
Posted under: Humble Hamburg Musings